Recharge now to enjoy the best rate in the market only
4.17 paisa per 10 sec to any banglalink number (12 am-5 pm) and 10
paisa per 10 sec (12 am-5 pm) to other operators. you can also get tk. 1
back for every tk. 1 local voice usage by dialing *166*4#. so hurry
before offer ends.

- offer applicable for all banglalink pre-paid and call & control customers (excluding e-voucher and pco) which are unused from 22nd september, 2013.
- to check if your number is eligible, type the number and send sms to 4343 (free) from any banglalink number.
- special tariff will be activated upon any amount recharge. validity for the special tariff will be till offer ends.
- you can subscribe to get tk.1 back on every tk. 1 usage only if you are enjoying this special tariff. this usage is excluding vat and excludes usage of any bonus.
- to subscribe to the tk. 1 back offer, dial *166*4# which is charge free.
- after subscription, you will enjoy 14 paisa/10 sec flat tariff. your previous tariff will no longer be applicable.
- to check the bonus dial *124*57#.
- cash back bonus can be used to on net (excluding fnf and superfnf) only @service class tariff.
- you can unsubscribe from the tk.1 back offer by dialing *166*222# for free
- you can enjoy special tariff again after unsubscribing from tk. 1 back offer.
- if you are an eligible play/ahoban customer, you will be able to avail special tariff and tk. 1 back if you migrate to any of the eligible service classes.
- if you migrate to play/ahban, this special tariff /tk.1 back tariff will no longer be applicable, only play/ahoban tariff will be applicable
- to unsubscribe from special tariff also by dialing *166*112# (free).
- to enjoy other special call rate offers, you will need to unsubscribe from this offer.
- you can use the bonus with any banglalink number till 11.59pm of receiving date.
- 10 sec pulse applicable.
- vat applicable.
- limited time offer.
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