to accommodate your big list of friends, banglalink presents 10 fnf package.
now you can enjoy 4.5 paisa/10 seconds to one special banglalink number
and as low as 9 paisa/10 seconds to 9 fnfs (any operator)!

- all prepaid customers (excluding e-voucher) can migrate to this package by typing “start” and sending sms to 7363 (free).
- “special fnf” package customers will automatically start enjoying the new package.
- to
set fnf, type the number and send sms to 3300. in case of multiple
numbers additions each number must be separated with a space.
example: type 0191xxxxxxx<space>0191xxxxxxx<space>0191xxxxxxx send sms to 3300. - to know current fnfs type ff and send sms to 3300
- to replace one fnf with another type c<space>old number<space>new number and send sms to 3300.
- to delete a fnf type rem<space>number and send sms to 3300.
- fnf will be set within 48 hours of sending request.
- to set special fnf number dial *166*7*desired number#. to change special fnf by dialling *166*7*old number*new number#.
- to de-register from this package type “stop” & send sms to 7363. you will get back to your previous package.
other local operators 24 hours 0.24/10 sec or 1.44tk/min+VAT
banglalink number 24 hours 0.24/10 sec or 1.44tk/min+VAT
banglalink fnf
12 am to 5 pm 0.09/10 sec
5 pm to 12 am 0.15/10 sec
other operator fnf
12 am to 5 pm 0.10/10 sec
5 pm to 12 am 0.15/10 sec
special fnf
12 am to 5 pm 0.045/10 sec
5 pm to 12 am 0.06
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